Monday 26 March 2012

Stupid Fast Food Customer 1

'Welcome to Chick-fil-A, this is Brittany, how may I serve you?'

There is a sign on the order taker in the drive-thru thing saying we are out of ice cream*

Stupid Customer
'Um, hi, Brittany! I'd like to have a chocolate milkshake, please.'

'I'm sorry, but our ice cream machine is broken and we have no more ice cream for the night.'

Stupid Customer turns to others in the car.

Stupid Customer
'hahahaha, okay. Well can I have an "IceDream" cone?'

'.....We have no more ice cream for the night.'

Stupid Customer
'But the sign on here says "IceDream".'

'That's what we call our ice cream.'

Stupid Customer
'Oh, okay. Well I'd like to have a number 1 with a coke, please.'

'I'm also sorry, we don't have regular sandwiches either, but we do have spicy sandwiches.'

Stupid Customer and his entire car: 

Stupid Customer
'Fine, I'll have a number 3 with a coke, then.'

'Anything else?'

Stupid Customer
'Hahahahaha.. No, that's all. Hahahahahahahahahhahha.'

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