Stupid Customer
'Excuse me, can I have a medium espresso in a small cup?'
'So you want two shots of espresso in a small cup?'
Stupid Customer
'You know that’s just two shots of straight espresso, right? Is that what you want?'
Stupid Customer
'Yes, that’s what I want.'
'Would you like any cream in that?'
Stupid Customer
'Just a little milk'
Employee makes medium espresso with a little milk
Stupid Customer
'Excuse me, can I have more milk in this?'
Employee pours a little more milk in
Stupid Customer
'More than that, fill the cup.'
'Um. Sure. Yeah, okay then.'
Stupid Customer
'Excuse me, I realize it’s because of the milk, but this drink is cold.'
'I’m sorry, did you want a latte instead?'
Stupid Customer
'That’s what I ordered!'
'No, actually. You said you wanted espresso, I even clarified it for you.'
Stupid Customer
'Ordering coffee isn’t this hard in LA! I guess terms are different everywhere.'
'Actually, I’ve ordered coffee in LA. It’s the same thing. They would have given you straight espresso as well. Here’s your latte. Have a nice day.'